Sunday, December 21, 2008

First post

Well, I've decided for this to be my main blog from now on, which I'll update from time to time.

A bit about myself? My name's Tim. I wont go into all the details like a/s/l or anything that'll put my identity at risk. I like music, which you can check out at my add me if you wish. I have tastes in music that range from brutal to beautiful, you could say. I listen to stuff no one's ever heard of before. Well, locally. You, faithful reader, probably have. I like games, too. Mainly FPS like Half-Life of Team Fortress 2. On PC, of course, the elitest platform. None of this console crap.

I've been called cynical. And I've noticed it myself. I seriously don't understand or like 90% of western society. Sounds slighty misanthropic, I know. But I don't get the whole celebrity gossip or shallow TV shows about "the rich and famous". Ergh. I'll explain more later.

I'm also a Christian. I'm not gonna force any ideals or whatever on you, and I'll probably shatter that stereotype of a Christian that you have in your mind.

There's just a little glimpse into me.

So enjoy the blog.

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