Monday, April 20, 2009

Back baby!

I recently returned from my annual youth group camp. And to be honest, I never wanted to leave, or go back to society ever again.

And now that I've returned, I've got this sinking feeling, that I really do want to withdraw from society. Coming back reminds me of how much I missed - I much I wished didn't exist. I really want to go back and stay back forever, and not worry about anything, and be in constant fellowship with mates. And to have sermons everyday.

And seeing the huge amount of stars was great. It's something that a good 80% of Western society misses out on, which could sway thousands out of thinking that everything that's in existence is a mistake. God created it, and so far, it's one thing in this world that we've yet to ruin, and probably never will. They're amazing. El_josho agrees.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

In recent news...

I saw that pre-schools are going to start teaching kids the Aboriginal origins stories. I mean, what? I'm all for reconciliation and equality, but this seems too far.

In a society where more and more scripture classes in schools are getting smaller, as the entire world becomes more sceptical, we wanna terach kids the Aboriginal Dream Time stories just for reconciliation?

If this were the 7-Day Creation story that was being told, parents would be in uproar, claiming that we have no right to indoctrinate kids with religion, yet look at what's happening. Another reason why I don't understand people.